Commit 543bf970 by 郭有超

fix bug

1 parent bcde5470
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const word: Array<string> = [];
class SSdk {
version: string = "1.0.0";
/**@description SDK 名称 */
name: string = "cocos-creator 敏感词屏蔽SDK";
/**@description 是否开启敏感词检测 */
_open_check: boolean = true;
/**@description 应用的ID */
_app_id: string = "test";
/**@description 应用的密钥 */
_app_secret: string = "test";
/**@description 敏感词词库 */
_s_content: Array<string> = [];
/**@description 是否开启log */
_console_log: boolean = true;
/**@description 数据校验的md5 */
_s_md5: string = "";
/**@description 下载文件失败的重试次数 */
max_retry_count: number = 3;
/**@description 缓存已经验证过的文本 */
_had_ver: any = {};
_success: Function = null;
_had_find: boolean = false;
constructor() {
/**@description 设置md5 */
public set_s_md5(_s_md5) {
this._s_md5 = _s_md5;
/**@description 设置应用的Secret */
public set_app_secret(_app_secret) {
this._app_secret = _app_secret;
/**@description 设置应用ID */
public set_app_id(_app_id) {
this._app_id = _app_id;
/**@description 开启log */
public close_log() {
this._console_log = false;
/**@description 打印日志 */
public _log(content) {
if (this._console_log) {
/**@description 开启敏感词检测 true 开启检车 false 关闭检测 */
public set_open_check(_open_check) {
this._open_check = _open_check;
http_handeler(url: string, data: string, method: string, response_type: string, headers: any, success: Function) {
var xhr = new Laya.HttpRequest();
xhr.http.timeout = 10000;
this._success = success;
xhr.once(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, this.completeHandler);
xhr.once(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, this.errorHandler);
xhr.on(Laya.Event.PROGRESS, this, this.processHandler);
xhr.send(url, data, method, response_type, headers);
completeHandler(data) {
this._success && this._success(data);
errorHandler(data) {
// console.log("敏感词库的信息 errorHandler", data);
private processHandler(data: any): void {
// console.log("敏感词库的信息 processHandler", data);
public get(url, body, success, fail) {
this.http_handeler(url, body, "get", "text", "", success);
public post(url: string, body: string, success?: Function, fail?: Function) {
this.http_handeler(url, body, "post", "application/json", "", success);
/**@description SDK 初始化 传递当前SDK是否开启 请求当下的敏感词库 */
public init() {
this._s_content = word;
this._log("敏感词版本号" + this.version + "敏感词SDK名称 = " +;
if (this._open_check) {
var data = {}
data["app_id"] = this._app_id;
data["app_secret"] = this._app_secret;
var self = this;"", JSON.stringify(data), (res) => {
var download_data = JSON.parse(res);
self.get(download_data.obj.url, "", function (tres) {
var sumtdata = "[\"" + tres.replace(/\r\n/g, "\",\"") + "\"]";
var tdata = sumtdata.replace("\"石国 \"", "石国 ");
// 将敏感词库换成JSON数组
self._s_content = JSON.parse(tdata);
}, function (res) {
// console.log("下载失败的字体", res);
}, function (res) {
// console.log("请求失败", res)
} else {
this._log("敏感词库初始化失败 需要开启敏感词库");
/**@description 检测敏感词 */
public check(content: string, replace: string) {
if (!this._open_check) {
return content;
var replace_char = "*";
if (replace) {
replace_char = replace;
if (!content) {
return "";
// 判断是否已经缓存过
if (this._had_ver[content]) {
return this._had_ver[content];
var _checked_str = this.replace_str(content, replace_char)
this._had_ver[content] = _checked_str
return _checked_str;
public had_ss_word(content: string, replace_char: string) {
this._had_find = false;
var _checked_str = this.replace_str(content, replace_char);
return this._had_find;
public replace_str(str, replace_char) {
var len = str.length;
// 长度从len -> 1;
for (var i = len; i > 0; --i) {
// 起点从0 -> len-i;
for (var j = 0; j <= len - i; ++j) {
var substr = str.substr(j, i);
var t_data = this._s_content.indexOf(substr);
if (t_data != -1) {
var prev = str.substr(0, j);
var curr = replace_char.repeat(i);
var next = str.substr(i + j, len - i - j);
this._had_find = true;
return this.replace_str(prev, replace_char) + curr + this.replace_str(next, replace_char);
return str;
var ssdk = new SSdk();
export default ssdk;
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