Commit ff5fb3dc by 郭有超

fix bug

1 parent f1ab0f90
注意: 默认敏感词库是属于关闭状态
# unity版本中敏感词库的使用步骤(需要开启游戏的网络权限)
第一步: 引入词库和SDK脚本
1) 将word.txt 放入Asserts目录下面的Resources目录(在没有网络的情况下使用)
2) 将SSdk.cs 导入到项目的Asserts目录下的Scenes目录下
第二步: 在游戏的初始化场景中使用如下方法初始化敏感词库的SDK
1)引用命名空间: using SS;
2)开启SDK: SSdk.get_sdk().open_sdk();
3)初始: SSdk.get_sdk().init(this);
第三步: SDK相关接口
1) check(string content, char replace_char)(注: 如果敏感词库关闭的话 则返回原本的文本信息)
第一个参数是需要检测的文本信息 传入string 第二个参数是需要将敏感词替换成的字符 类型为char
例: string _data = SSdk.get_sdk().check("逗比世界", '*');
2) open_sdk() 开启SDK
3) close_sdk() 关闭SDK
4) set_app_id(string _app_id) 设置应用的ID 注意!!!: 暂时没有用到
5) set_app_secret(string _app_secret) 设置应用的密钥 注意!!!: 暂时没有用到
6) open_console() 开启SDK 中的输出信息
7) close_console() 开启SDK 中的输出信息
提示: 一般第一步第二步设置完成后 直接使用 check(string content, char replace_char) 接口就可以了.
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace SS {
class RQData {
public string app_id;
public string app_secret;
class RData {
public string code;
public OKData obj;
class OKData {
public string md5;
public string url;
public class SSdk {
private MonoBehaviour _ctx;
private string _version = "1.0.0";
private string _name = "敏感词SDK";
private bool _is_open_sdk = false;
private string _app_id = "1";
private string _app_secret = "test";
private string m_infoFile;
static Dictionary<char, IList<string>> keyDict;
private string[] _s_content = null;
private string _s_md5 = "";
private bool _console = false;
private static SSdk _sdk;
public void open_console () {
this._console = true;
public void close_console () {
this._console = false;
public void console (string log) {
if (this._console) {
Debug.Log (log);
public void set_ctx (MonoBehaviour _ctx) {
this._ctx = _ctx;
public static SSdk get_sdk () {
if (SSdk._sdk == null) {
SSdk._sdk = new SSdk ();
return SSdk._sdk;
/**@description 开启SDK */
public void open_sdk () {
this._is_open_sdk = true;
public void close_sdk () {
this._is_open_sdk = false;
public void set_app_id (string _app_id) {
this._app_id = _app_id;
// 暂时不用
public void set_s_md5 (string _s_md5) {
this._s_md5 = _s_md5;
public string get_app_id () {
return this._app_id;
public void set_app_secret (string _app_secret) {
this._app_secret = _app_secret;
public void init (MonoBehaviour _ctx) {
this._ctx = _ctx;
this.init_word ();
string data = this.read_word ();
// 如果没有读取到本地的敏感词库的话 就去加载打包的敏感词库 本地敏感词库会在请求网络成功后更新
if (data != "") {
this.parse_data (data);
} else {
string path = "word";
var textFile = Resources.Load<TextAsset> (path);
this.parse_data (textFile.text);
this._ctx.StartCoroutine (request_word ());
public void init_word () {
string dir = Application.dataPath;
int index = dir.LastIndexOf ("/");
dir = dir.Substring (0, index);
dir += "/game_data";
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
m_infoFile = dir + "/" + "word.txt";
string dir = string.Format ("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, "game_data");
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
m_infoFile = dir + "/" + "word.txt";
public void write_data (string info) {
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText (m_infoFile)) {
string stackInfo = get_stack_trace ();
sw.WriteLine (info);
public string read_word () {
StreamReader sr;
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (m_infoFile);
string file_content = "";
if (fi.Exists) {
sr = fi.OpenText ();
file_content = sr.ReadToEnd ();
sr.Close ();
sr.Dispose ();
console ("文件本地的敏感词库成功");
return file_content;
private string get_stack_trace () {
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace (true);
string stackIndent = "";
for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount; i++) {
System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame (i);
stackIndent += sf.GetMethod () + "";
stackIndent += sf.GetFileName () + "";
stackIndent += (":" + sf.GetFileLineNumber ()) + "";
stackIndent += "\n";
return stackIndent;
public void parse_data (string content) {
this._s_content = content.Split (new char[] { '\n' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
keyDict = new Dictionary<char, IList<string>> ();
foreach (string s in _s_content) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (s))
if (keyDict.ContainsKey (s[0]))
keyDict[s[0]].Add (s.Trim (new char[] { '\r' }));
keyDict.Add (s[0], new List<string> { s.Trim (new char[] { '\r' }) });
public IEnumerator request_word () {
string url = "";
UnityWebRequest request = new UnityWebRequest (url, "post");
RQData form = new RQData ();
form.app_id = this._app_id;
form.app_secret = this._app_secret;
if (form != null) {
string postData = JsonUtility.ToJson (form);
byte[] postDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (postData);
request.uploadHandler = (UploadHandler) new UploadHandlerRaw (postDataBytes);
request.downloadHandler = (DownloadHandler) new DownloadHandlerBuffer ();
// set content-type header
request.SetRequestHeader ("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.SetRequestHeader ("Content-Type", "application/json");
yield return request.SendWebRequest ();
if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError) {
console ("网络请求错误 ");
} else {
string msg = request.downloadHandler.text;
RData _rd_data = JsonUtility.FromJson<RData> (msg);
string download_url = _rd_data.obj.url;
if (download_url != null || download_url != "") {
this._ctx.StartCoroutine (this.download_s_text (download_url));
} else {
console ("获取数据失败");
public IEnumerator download_s_text (string download_url) {
using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get (download_url)) {
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest ();
string[] pages = download_url.Split ('/');
int page = pages.Length - 1;
if (webRequest.isNetworkError) {
console (pages[page] + ": Error: " + webRequest.error);
} else {
string s_word = webRequest.downloadHandler.text;
console ("请求敏感词的数据成功");
// 解析到运行时的敏感词库
this.parse_data (s_word);
// 更新本地的敏感词库
this.write_data (s_word);
public string check (string content, char replace_char) {
if (this._is_open_sdk == false) {
return content;
bool replace_content = this.replace_str (ref content, replace_char);
return content;
public bool replace_str (ref string text, char replace_char) {
bool isFind = false;
if (null == _s_content || string.IsNullOrEmpty (text))
return isFind;
int len = text.Length;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (len);
bool isOK = true;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char key = text[i];
if (keyDict.ContainsKey (key)) {
foreach (string s in keyDict[key]) {
isOK = true;
int j = i;
foreach (char c in s) {
if (j >= len || c != text[j++]) {
isOK = false;
if (isOK) {
isFind = true;
i += s.Length - 1;
sb.Append (replace_char, s.Length);
if (!isOK)
sb.Append (text[i]);
} else
sb.Append (text[i]);
if (isFind)
text = sb.ToString ();
return isFind;
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