markdown.go 5.26 KB
package docgen

import (


type MarkdownDoc struct {
	Opts   MarkdownOpts
	Router chi.Router
	Doc    Doc
	Routes map[string]DocRouter // Pattern : DocRouter

	buf *bytes.Buffer

type MarkdownOpts struct {
	// ProjectPath is the base Go import path of the project
	ProjectPath string

	// Intro text included at the top of the generated markdown file.
	Intro string

	// ForceRelativeLinks to be relative even if they're not on github
	ForceRelativeLinks bool

	// URLMap allows specifying a map of package import paths to their link sources
	// Used for mapping vendored dependencies to their upstream sources
	// For example:
	// map[string]string{"": ""}
	URLMap map[string]string

func MarkdownRoutesDoc(r chi.Router, opts MarkdownOpts) string {
	md := &MarkdownDoc{Router: r, Opts: opts}
	if err := md.Generate(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error())
	return md.String()

func (md *MarkdownDoc) String() string {
	return md.buf.String()

func (md *MarkdownDoc) Generate() error {
	if md.Router == nil {
		return errors.New("docgen: router is nil")

	doc, err := BuildDoc(md.Router)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	md.Doc = doc
	md.buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
	md.Routes = make(map[string]DocRouter)


	return nil

func (md *MarkdownDoc) WriteIntro() {
	pkgName := md.Opts.ProjectPath
	md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# %s\n\n", pkgName))

	intro := md.Opts.Intro
	md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n", intro))

func (md *MarkdownDoc) WriteRoutes() {
	md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("## Routes\n\n"))

	var buildRoutesMap func(parentPattern string, ar, nr, dr *DocRouter)
	buildRoutesMap = func(parentPattern string, ar, nr, dr *DocRouter) {

		nr.Middlewares = append(nr.Middlewares, dr.Middlewares...)

		for pat, rt := range dr.Routes {
			pattern := parentPattern + pat

			nr.Routes = DocRoutes{}

			if rt.Router != nil {
				nnr := &DocRouter{}
				nr.Routes[pat] = DocRoute{
					Pattern:  pat,
					Handlers: rt.Handlers,
					Router:   nnr,
				buildRoutesMap(pattern, ar, nnr, rt.Router)

			} else if len(rt.Handlers) > 0 {
				nr.Routes[pat] = DocRoute{
					Pattern:  pat,
					Handlers: rt.Handlers,
					Router:   nil,

				// Remove the trailing slash if the handler is a subroute for "/"
				routeKey := pattern
				if pat == "/" && len(routeKey) > 1 {
					routeKey = routeKey[:len(routeKey)-1]
				md.Routes[routeKey] = copyDocRouter(*ar)

			} else {
				panic("not possible")


	// Build a route tree that consists of the full route pattern
	// and the part of the tree for just that specific route, stored
	// in routes map on the markdown struct. This is the structure we
	// are going to render to markdown.
	dr := md.Doc.Router
	ar := DocRouter{}
	buildRoutesMap("", &ar, &ar, &dr)

	// Generate the markdown to render the above structure
	var printRouter func(depth int, dr DocRouter)
	printRouter = func(depth int, dr DocRouter) {

		tabs := ""
		for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
			tabs += "\t"

		// Middlewares
		for _, mw := range dr.Middlewares {
			md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s- [%s](%s)\n", tabs, mw.Func, md.githubSourceURL(mw.File, mw.Line)))

		// Routes
		for _, rt := range dr.Routes {
			md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s- **%s**\n", tabs, rt.Pattern))

			if rt.Router != nil {
				printRouter(depth+1, *rt.Router)
			} else {
				for meth, dh := range rt.Handlers {
					md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t- _%s_\n", tabs, meth))

					// Handler middlewares
					for _, mw := range dh.Middlewares {
						md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t\t- [%s](%s)\n", tabs, mw.Func, md.githubSourceURL(mw.File, mw.Line)))

					// Handler endpoint
					md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\t\t- [%s](%s)\n", tabs, dh.Func, md.githubSourceURL(dh.File, dh.Line)))

	routePaths := []string{}
	for pat := range md.Routes {
		routePaths = append(routePaths, pat)

	for _, pat := range routePaths {
		dr := md.Routes[pat]
		md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("<summary>`%s`</summary>\n", pat))
		printRouter(0, dr)

	md.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Total # of routes: %d\n", len(md.Routes)))

	// TODO: total number of handlers..

func (md *MarkdownDoc) githubSourceURL(file string, line int) string {
	// Currently, we only automatically link to source for github projects
	if strings.Index(file, "") != 0 && !md.Opts.ForceRelativeLinks {
		return ""
	if md.Opts.ProjectPath == "" {
		return ""
	for pkg, url := range md.Opts.URLMap {
		if idx := strings.Index(file, pkg); idx >= 0 {
			pos := idx + len(pkg)
			url = strings.TrimRight(url, "/")
			filepath := strings.TrimLeft(file[pos:], "/")
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s#L%d", url, filepath, line)
	if idx := strings.Index(file, md.Opts.ProjectPath); idx >= 0 {
		// relative
		pos := idx + len(md.Opts.ProjectPath)
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s#L%d", file[pos:], line)
	// absolute
	return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s#L%d", file, line)