mux.go 12.7 KB
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package chi

import (

var _ Router = &Mux{}

// Mux is a simple HTTP route multiplexer that parses a request path,
// records any URL params, and executes an end handler. It implements
// the http.Handler interface and is friendly with the standard library.
// Mux is designed to be fast, minimal and offer a powerful API for building
// modular and composable HTTP services with a large set of handlers. It's
// particularly useful for writing large REST API services that break a handler
// into many smaller parts composed of middlewares and end handlers.
type Mux struct {
	// The radix trie router
	tree *node

	// The middleware stack
	middlewares []func(http.Handler) http.Handler

	// Controls the behaviour of middleware chain generation when a mux
	// is registered as an inline group inside another mux.
	inline bool

	// The computed mux handler made of the chained middleware stack and
	// the tree router
	handler http.Handler

	// Routing context pool
	pool sync.Pool

	// Custom route not found handler
	notFoundHandler http.HandlerFunc

	// Custom method not allowed handler
	methodNotAllowedHandler http.HandlerFunc

// NewMux returns a newly initialized Mux object that implements the Router
// interface.
func NewMux() *Mux {
	mux := &Mux{tree: &node{}}
	mux.pool.New = func() interface{} {
		return NewRouteContext()
	return mux

// ServeHTTP is the single method of the http.Handler interface that makes
// Mux interoperable with the standard library. It uses a sync.Pool to get and
// reuse routing contexts for each request.
func (mx *Mux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Ensure the mux has some routes defined on the mux
	if mx.handler == nil {
		panic("chi: attempting to route to a mux with no handlers.")

	// Check if a routing context already exists from a parent router.
	rctx, _ := r.Context().Value(RouteCtxKey).(*Context)
	if rctx != nil {
		mx.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Fetch a RouteContext object from the sync pool, and call the computed
	// mx.handler that is comprised of mx.middlewares + mx.routeHTTP.
	// Once the request is finished, reset the routing context and put it back
	// into the pool for reuse from another request.
	rctx = mx.pool.Get().(*Context)
	r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), RouteCtxKey, rctx))
	mx.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// Use appends a middleware handler to the Mux middleware stack.
// The middleware stack for any Mux will execute before searching for a matching
// route to a specific handler, which provides opportunity to respond early,
// change the course of the request execution, or set request-scoped values for
// the next http.Handler.
func (mx *Mux) Use(middlewares ...func(http.Handler) http.Handler) {
	if mx.handler != nil {
		panic("chi: all middlewares must be defined before routes on a mux")
	mx.middlewares = append(mx.middlewares, middlewares...)

// Handle adds the route `pattern` that matches any http method to
// execute the `handler` http.Handler.
func (mx *Mux) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler) {
	mx.handle(mALL, pattern, handler)

// HandleFunc adds the route `pattern` that matches any http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mALL, pattern, handlerFn)

// Connect adds the route `pattern` that matches a CONNECT http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Connect(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mCONNECT, pattern, handlerFn)

// Delete adds the route `pattern` that matches a DELETE http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Delete(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mDELETE, pattern, handlerFn)

// Get adds the route `pattern` that matches a GET http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Get(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mGET, pattern, handlerFn)

// Head adds the route `pattern` that matches a HEAD http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Head(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mHEAD, pattern, handlerFn)

// Options adds the route `pattern` that matches a OPTIONS http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Options(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mOPTIONS, pattern, handlerFn)

// Patch adds the route `pattern` that matches a PATCH http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Patch(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mPATCH, pattern, handlerFn)

// Post adds the route `pattern` that matches a POST http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Post(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mPOST, pattern, handlerFn)

// Put adds the route `pattern` that matches a PUT http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Put(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mPUT, pattern, handlerFn)

// Trace adds the route `pattern` that matches a TRACE http method to
// execute the `handlerFn` http.HandlerFunc.
func (mx *Mux) Trace(pattern string, handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.handle(mTRACE, pattern, handlerFn)

// NotFound sets a custom http.HandlerFunc for routing paths that could
// not be found. The default 404 handler is `http.NotFound`.
func (mx *Mux) NotFound(handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.notFoundHandler = handlerFn

	mx.updateSubRoutes(func(subMux *Mux) {
		if subMux.notFoundHandler == nil {

// MethodNotAllowed sets a custom http.HandlerFunc for routing paths where the
// method is unresolved. The default handler returns a 405 with an empty body.
func (mx *Mux) MethodNotAllowed(handlerFn http.HandlerFunc) {
	mx.methodNotAllowedHandler = handlerFn

	mx.updateSubRoutes(func(subMux *Mux) {
		if subMux.methodNotAllowedHandler == nil {

// With adds inline middlewares for an endpoint handler.
func (mx *Mux) With(middlewares ...func(http.Handler) http.Handler) Router {
	// Similarly as in handle(), we must build the mux handler once further
	// middleware registration isn't allowed for this stack, like now.
	if !mx.inline && mx.handler == nil {

	// Copy middlewares from parent inline muxs
	var mws Middlewares
	if mx.inline {
		mws = make(Middlewares, len(mx.middlewares))
		copy(mws, mx.middlewares)
	mws = append(mws, middlewares...)

	im := &Mux{inline: true, tree: mx.tree, middlewares: mws}
	return im

// Group creates a new inline-Mux with a fresh middleware stack. It's useful
// for a group of handlers along the same routing path that use an additional
// set of middlewares. See _examples/.
func (mx *Mux) Group(fn func(r Router)) Router {
	im := mx.With().(*Mux)
	if fn != nil {
	return im

// Route creates a new Mux with a fresh middleware stack and mounts it
// along the `pattern` as a subrouter. Effectively, this is a short-hand
// call to Mount. See _examples/.
func (mx *Mux) Route(pattern string, fn func(r Router)) Router {
	subRouter := NewRouter()
	if fn != nil {
	mx.Mount(pattern, subRouter)
	return subRouter

// Mount attaches another http.Handler or chi Router as a subrouter along a routing
// path. It's very useful to split up a large API as many independent routers and
// compose them as a single service using Mount. See _examples/.
// Note that Mount() simply sets a wildcard along the `pattern` that will continue
// routing at the `handler`, which in most cases is another chi.Router. As a result,
// if you define two Mount() routes on the exact same pattern the mount will panic.
func (mx *Mux) Mount(pattern string, handler http.Handler) {
	// Provide runtime safety for ensuring a pattern isn't mounted on an existing
	// routing pattern.
	if mx.tree.findPattern(pattern+"*") != nil || mx.tree.findPattern(pattern+"/*") != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: attempting to Mount() a handler on an existing path, '%s'", pattern))

	// Assign sub-Router's with the parent not found & method not allowed handler if not specified.
	subr, ok := handler.(*Mux)
	if ok && subr.notFoundHandler == nil && mx.notFoundHandler != nil {
	if ok && subr.methodNotAllowedHandler == nil && mx.methodNotAllowedHandler != nil {

	// Wrap the sub-router in a handlerFunc to scope the request path for routing.
	subHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		rctx := RouteContext(r.Context())
		rctx.RoutePath = "/" + rctx.URLParams.Del("*")
		handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	if pattern == "" || pattern[len(pattern)-1] != '/' {
		mx.handle(mALL|mSTUB, pattern, subHandler)
		mx.handle(mALL|mSTUB, pattern+"/", mx.NotFoundHandler())
		pattern += "/"

	method := mALL
	subroutes, _ := handler.(Routes)
	if subroutes != nil {
		method |= mSTUB
	n := mx.handle(method, pattern+"*", subHandler)

	if subroutes != nil {
		n.subroutes = subroutes

func (mx *Mux) Middlewares() Middlewares {
	return mx.middlewares

func (mx *Mux) Routes() []Route {
	return mx.tree.routes()

// FileServer conveniently sets up a http.FileServer handler to serve
// static files from a http.FileSystem.
func (mx *Mux) FileServer(path string, root http.FileSystem) {
	if strings.ContainsAny(path, ":*") {
		panic("chi: FileServer does not permit URL parameters.")

	fs := http.StripPrefix(path, http.FileServer(root))

	if path != "/" && path[len(path)-1] != '/' {
		mx.Get(path, http.RedirectHandler(path+"/", 301).ServeHTTP)
		path += "/"
	path += "*"

	mx.Get(path, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fs.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// NotFoundHandler returns the default Mux 404 responder whenever a route
// cannot be found.
func (mx *Mux) NotFoundHandler() http.HandlerFunc {
	if mx.notFoundHandler != nil {
		return mx.notFoundHandler
	return http.NotFound

// MethodNotAllowedHandler returns the default Mux 405 responder whenever
// a method cannot be resolved for a route.
func (mx *Mux) MethodNotAllowedHandler() http.HandlerFunc {
	if mx.methodNotAllowedHandler != nil {
		return mx.methodNotAllowedHandler
	return methodNotAllowedHandler

// buildRouteHandler builds the single mux handler that is a chain of the middleware
// stack, as defined by calls to Use(), and the tree router (Mux) itself. After this
// point, no other middlewares can be registered on this Mux's stack. But you can still
// compose additional middlewares via Group()'s or using a chained middleware handler.
func (mx *Mux) buildRouteHandler() {
	mx.handler = chain(mx.middlewares, http.HandlerFunc(mx.routeHTTP))

// handle registers a http.Handler in the routing tree for a particular http method
// and routing pattern.
func (mx *Mux) handle(method methodTyp, pattern string, handler http.Handler) *node {
	if len(pattern) == 0 || pattern[0] != '/' {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: routing pattern must begin with '/' in '%s'", pattern))

	// Build the final routing handler for this Mux.
	if !mx.inline && mx.handler == nil {

	// Build endpoint handler with inline middlewares for the route
	var h http.Handler
	if mx.inline {
		mx.handler = http.HandlerFunc(mx.routeHTTP)
		h = Chain(mx.middlewares...).Handler(handler)
	} else {
		h = handler

	// Add the endpoint to the tree and return the node
	return mx.tree.InsertRoute(method, pattern, h)

// routeHTTP routes a http.Request through the Mux routing tree to serve
// the matching handler for a particular http method.
func (mx *Mux) routeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Grab the route context object
	rctx := r.Context().Value(RouteCtxKey).(*Context)

	// The request routing path
	routePath := rctx.RoutePath
	if routePath == "" {
		routePath = r.URL.Path

	// Check if method is supported by chi
	method, ok := methodMap[r.Method]
	if !ok {
		mx.MethodNotAllowedHandler().ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Find the route
	hs := mx.tree.FindRoute(rctx, routePath)
	if hs == nil {
		mx.NotFoundHandler().ServeHTTP(w, r)

	h, ok := hs[method]
	if !ok {
		mx.MethodNotAllowedHandler().ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// Serve it up
	h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// Recursively update data on child routers.
func (mx *Mux) updateSubRoutes(fn func(subMux *Mux)) {
	for _, r := range mx.tree.routes() {
		subMux, ok := r.SubRoutes.(*Mux)
		if !ok {

// methodNotAllowedHandler is a helper function to respond with a 405,
// method not allowed.
func methodNotAllowedHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {